My Friends

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My *NEW* girlfriend.

Well, for those who might be so ridiculously confused...this is Grace Tieu. She is very friendly, loves God, her family & people in general!!! Here is some background information for the people whose heads are in the clouds. I met her for the first time at my cousin's 18th party, & discovered that i knew her sister. Surprisingly, we clicked very well. Especially seeing as though we are fellow Malaysians. So,since then, we have seen each other in several places, & have continued to get to know each other better, although its me teasing her most of the time. "hehe..." Oh yeah, she not really my girlfriend...unlike what it says on my facebook status. We figured that we are in a relationship...just not in that way. So, think what you want. We were curious to see what everyone else might say. I wonder what my parents would say if they found out about it...after all, my mother has a facebook account too. How bizzare!!! Anyways, eventhough she isn't really my girlfriend,I have been so blessed just by having her in my life. I thank God for such a caring & loving friend to get me through life. The person who marries her will be a VERY, VERY, VERY blessed guy, because she is one AMAZING GAL!!! To my new girlfriend: I'm so, so, so thankful to God for the opportunity of having your friendship in my life. It means so much more to me than i could ever express!!! I hope that our friendship will stand the test of time & distance. (Yes, we will make our long distance relationship work, despite what other people may say). = D *peace out*

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